A Blueprint For America

American Grade was created when our founders' local homebuilding business built a Made in America house. They successfully converted $300K of imported products to American products and built a home using over 90% American products. However, the process to find the American products they sought was very difficult and there was no method to quantify what an American home truly is. This inspired them to create an easier way for others to include more American building products into their projects.

American Grade evolved as the source to find American products and services and the American Grade Homes and Buildings programs were developed to quantify and certify projects using American products found in the search engine.



  • Register project with American Grade
  • Buy American products
  • Install American products
  • Grade American products installed
  • Label and/or market qualifying project


“USA residential & commercial construction market:
$823 BILLION industry

“Increase American products in USA construction by 10% =
up to $82 BILLION increase in manufacturing

Increasing American content in construction by 5-10% is EASY and with American Grade, it doesn't have to cost more!


  • NO FEE to Be an American Grade Steward
  • FREE Essential Business Listing
  • Promote your American brand
  • Minimize supply disruptions and delays
  • Elevate your American patriotism
  • Easily Find Products and Services

Homes and Buildings

Interested in building an American Grade Home or an American Grade Building? If so, utilize the American Grade search engine to find an American Grade Steward contractor. Can't find a contractor in your search, ask a local contractor to be an American Grade Steward and incorporate American products into your project. Stay tuned for more information on how to participate in our upcoming construction programs.

Construction Industries

Manufacturers and Contractors who believe in building American register as an American Grade Steward, create a business listing, and add or link to products in the search engine.

  • All American Businesses Register now for FREE to elevate search result ranking when this program launches
  • Promote your American brand to new and existing customers
  • Expand your market niche to include American building products and/or services in American Grade Homes and/or Buildings
  • Locally source American products to minimize supply chain disruptions or delays
  • Increase sales by appealing to American Grade Stewards and other like-minded individuals
  • Contractors easily find products and services needed to comply with American Grade Homes project requirements

Supporting our efforts as an American Grade Steward will help us continue our work with legislators to create and enact American Grade Tax Credits for both contractors who build homes and/or buildings and manufacturers who produce American products.

View the first “Made in America” house built in Louisville Kentucky by American Grade founder Vince Kimbel