Frequently Asked Questions

Search Engine

How does American Grade define an American Product?

An American Product is one either that qualifies to be labeled Made in USA under Federal Trade Commission standards or meets the current criteria for the Buy American Act when added as a product listing.

How are search results displayed in the Search Engine?

The business listing search results are influenced by business enrollment date and business listing tier. Therefore, businesses who register as a Steward early and remain a Steward, will be displayed higher up in search results when all search criteria are equal. Likewise, businesses who upgrade their listing to a paid listing tier, will be displayed higher up in search results when all search criteria are equal. We want the Search Engine to be an effective research tool for users, so by selecting various filters, the user will locate the desired results and have a positive search experience.

How do I report a concern with a product listed in the Search Engine?

American Grade does not warranty the products that manufacturers list in the Search Engine. If you have a concern about the safety, operation, functionality, or other similar issues, contact the manufacturer and use our “Report This” icon on the product listing to provide us information on the product, subject, and basis of your concern. If your concern relates to a product's Made in USA label, contact the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) directly about your concerns and use our “Report This” icon on the product listing to provide us information on the product, subject, and basis of your concern.

Does American Grade sell or resell products?

No, that is one of the distinctions that makes American Grade unique. Numerous other sites list products for sale, whereas American Grade provides information and connects a community of businesses and individuals who are like-minded in wanting to be good stewards of our country to find the American products, services, and businesses they are looking for.

How does American grade confirm the accuracy of information listed in the Search Engine?

American Grade cannot confirm the accuracy of information entered by our Stewards, but we do require manufacturers to attest the products they add qualify as Made in USA products as regulated by the Federal Trade Commission or products meet the current standards for the Buy American Act.

Can I add an American Product listing if I am not a manufacturer?

No, American Product listings are available exclusively to manufacturers. If you are a retailer, reseller, or individual, we encourage you to reach out to your favorite manufacturers and tell them about American Grade and the opportunity to list their American Products in the Search Engine.

Can my business link to a product listed in the Search Engine?

Yes, if you are a retailer, service provider, manufacturer, wholesaler, distributor, or supplier (raw materials), your business can link to a product by clicking the “Link Product” icon on the product listing, then select your business name and add a URL to link the product to your business website. Links are subject to approval by the manufacturer.

How do I make a recommendation for a product to be listed in the Search Engine?

If you have a favorite American Product and would like to see it listed, you can complete the “Recommend an American Product” form on the CONTACT US page. With the needed information, we can reach out to the business about the opportunity to become an American Grade Steward and list their American Products.

  • If you are not an American Grade Steward yet, CLICK HERE to register for free and get all the benefits of being a Steward and also be notified when this product search feature is available.
  • If you are an American business, CLICK HERE to register as an American Grade Steward and be notified when this product search feature is available. If you are an American manufacturer, register your business to be able to add qualifying American products to the Search Engine NOW.

How can I make a difference in the American economy?

There is a movement, spurred by many with many different factors (including recent supply chain issues), motivating people to elevate their American patriotism to seek out quality American Products, that create jobs and support a healthy economy. There are many things each of us can do! Start by becoming an American Grade Steward, and make the effort to honor the principles set forth in the American Grade Mission Statement - do your research, check the label, and advocate to others. When you go to a store, ask where you can find their American Products. When you are shopping online, use the chat or email features to ask about what American Products they sell. If you have a social media presence, share the American Grade business and product listings with your contacts. Let's use our voices and online presence to express the importance of increasing American manufacturing and our desire to buy, sell, and specify American products and services whenever possible.

What is the difference between Made in USA and all other types of labels?

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC), an agency of the U.S. Government, is responsible for overseeing, administering, and enforcing the Made in USA self-certifying process. In short, the FTC defines the Made in USA requirement as a product that must be “all or virtually all” Made in USA to qualify to use the label. If a product does not meet the criteria, manufacturers often use other “labels” to describe what parts or aspects of a product are connected to the USA, such as “Engineered in the USA”, “Designed in the USA”, “Assembled in the USA”, etc. There are dozens of such labels, and while helpful in providing some information about a product, they are confusing to consumers and lack consistency about what is and is not Made in USA.

American Grade Stewards

Is there a fee to become an American Grade Steward?

No, there is no fee. Becoming an American Grade Steward is an easy process. You simply need to provide a few pieces of basic information on our website.

To register as an American Grade Steward Business, does my business have to be based in the USA?

Yes, businesses that want to register as an American Grade Steward must be based in the USA with an active Federal / Employer Identification Number (EIN). We do not ask for the EIN, we only ask you attest you have one. We reserve the right to audit and/or request proof of EIN at any time.

Can I register as both an American Grade Steward Individual and a Business?

Yes, if you are an owner or other authorized representative of a business, you can complete the registration process to be an American Grade Steward Business. You can also sign up as an American Grade Steward Individual with a separate login. We recommend you use your business email address with your Steward Business account and your personal with your Individual.


What internet browsers work best for your site?

Our website plans to support the most current versions of Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Safari. While we work to ensure our site works as intended on all device types (phones, tablets, laptops, etc.), many features, like the Search Engine and our American Grade Steward Dashboard, are best viewed on larger screens.

I am having a problem with my credit card on your site -- what do I need to do?

First, ensure you have entered all your credit card information correctly. If that does not solve the issue, please try again later.


Why do you need my personal information and zip code?

The information for establishing an Individual user account with American Grade is strictly confidential and NOT published anywhere. The information for establishing a Business user account with American Grade is strictly confidential and NOT published anywhere. Business information provided by users for a business listing, will be published.

Providing the user information will allow you to log in and will automatically make you eligible for rewards, discounts, and promotional giveaways.

We are collecting zip code information as the least intrusive method to assess where American Grade Stewards are located around the country (and the world). We will use it to track our growth and progress.

American Grade Philosophy

Is American Grade a partisan organization?

American Grade is a non-partisan organization seeking bi-partisan support from individuals and businesses alike. We believe it takes EVERYONE to create lasting change.

How can I share my American story?

We invite you to share your American story through the Contact Us section of the website.


What is the purpose of the search engine on American Grade and why should I use it?

The American Grade Search Engine is a specialized search engine that only lists American Products and services and the businesses who represent those items. Businesses listed on our site are asked to honor the principles set forth in The American Grade Mission Statement including to "buy, sell, and specify American products and services whenever possible." By searching and finding businesses on the American Grade website, you can have confidence those businesses' share a common philosophy to better America.

How do a refine my search results?

After search results are listed, you will be able to filter Business / Services results based on business type or industry, state, business size, or demographics. If you are logged in as an American Grade Steward, you can also filter search results by favorites and rewards & discounts. Logging in will also allow you to filter American Product search results by favorites, rewards & discounts and Made in USA only products.


Are there ways to earn rewards and discounts from your site?

American Grade offers the opportunity for our American Grade Steward Businesses to upload rewards & discounts that can be either product or service related. When offered and when logged in, all American Grade Stewards can find them attached to the product or business listing.

If I find a product or business I am interested in, can I save my search?

Every product or business can be added to a list of favorites you can access through your dashboard if you are an American Grade Steward. All favorites will remain on your dashboard until you delete them. You can also find favorites by searching and filtering by favorites when logged in as an American Grade Steward.

Is there a way for me to track several products or businesses for a common purpose or project?

If you are an American Grade Steward and logged in, American Grade offers a custom list function separate from the favorites that allows the user to create custom titles and lists of products and businesses to track for any purpose they choose.

When I sign up as a Steward, am I allowed to use any of the American Grade logos for personal use?

Yes! When you become a Steward, you have access to display The American Grade log and the Keep America Local logo according to our terms and brand standards. The Terms and Conditions describe allowed and appropriate use. Also, when you are logged in, you can access the American Grade brand standards on the Dashboard on the Resources tab.

Marketing Opportunities

How can I add my business to the American Grade Search Engine?

To add your business to the Search Engine, all you have to do is register to become an American Grade Steward Business and then log in to add your business information in your business dashboard. Click here to start the process.

How can I add my products in the American Grade Search Engine?

An American product can only be added by an American Grade Steward Business who is the manufacturer of the product. An American Product is one either that qualifies to be labeled Made in USA under Federal Trade Commission standards or meets the current criteria for the Buy American Act (quantity restrictions apply - see tier table for more information). If your business meets the requirements and restrictions and you have a qualifying American product, you can add an American Product in your dashboard when logged in.

How can I link my business to American products in the American Grade Search Engine?

An American product can be linked to any business who is registered as an American Grade Steward Business (quantity restrictions apply - see tier table for more information). If your business meets the restrictions, you can link an American Product to your business. When linking, you must provide a URL address to your website where users can find the linked product. Linking products that you do not sell is not allowed. You must be logged in and link to products on your dashboard.

Refund Policy

Do you offer a refund on your services?

Marketing opportunities are paid for on an annual subscription basis and are not eligible for refunds. The value of the website to your business and products is displayed over time; therefore, we offer the ability to cancel the automatic renewal of your subscription if your business does not realize the expected value from your stewardship.